The honey Bee is an important ally to the survival of the Earth and the human race. We rely on the honey bee for pollination as well as producing various substances such as, honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, and beeswax. In the current state the honey bee population is collapsing at an alarming rate.
This website will be used to record my internship this summer. I will be working with the Massachusetts beekeeping inspector Dr. Kim Skyrm in going to apiaries all around the state and inspecting the hives. I will also be doing an experiment with the bees to see if there are other types of feed that we can give to the bees during wintering or when the hives are just starting. My journal entries will include both my internship and my project. I hope you enjoy and learn from my experience. BUZZ

Queen Bee and her Court
This website/blog will continue to be edited, so come back for more, you will think it's the bees knees
Red Belted Polypore

The Red Belted Polypore(Fomitopsis pinicola) is an incredible mushroom that has health benefits for all that consume it. This mushroom has a special property called polysaccharides these are able to bind to the white blood cells that then are able to sooth and treat ailments throughout the body.
Reishi Mushroom

The Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) in the Chinese Tradition is considered to be the Mushroom of Immortality with major health benefits. It has been shown to increase immune system functions which help treat the body for many viral infections such as flus, colds, lung conditions, heart conditions, and even cancer.
Medicinal Herbs

Herbs have been in use for thousands of years in the treatment of diseases and other medical conditions. Herbs have incredible properties that can heal human viral diseases as well as many other diseases. By finding herbs to use, my hypothesis is we can implement these herbs in increasing the immune system of the bee so that she may be greater able to fight off diseases.