I have decided to travel abroad talking to various home beekeepers to see what types of methods people are working with when it comes to their bees. My first stop abroad is Israel. Israel is a beautiful country with various climates and landscapes. To the north it is higher up and snow is found up there. The middle of the country is still a little colder however it does not get below 5 degrees celcius very often. and the desert which is located at the south of the country. With help from local sources I have been able to get in contact with various beekeepers to see their methods of working with bees and even more importantly what their mindset on how to actually work with their bees.
In israel the country is extremly densly packed so many places have laws against honey bees. this led to many swarms being killed. The local beekeepers realzing this is going on got together and formed a group. This group of hero beekeepers go to where swarms have landed and safely extract them whether its from trees or inside home walls. most people that I have talked to have completly stopped buying bees from local beekeepers and instead catch all their bees from native swarms.
There is a very strong anthroposophy movement in israel and it is very visible when it comes to beekeepers in israel. People do not believe in putting chemicals into their hives. Many of the beekeepers have the mindset that what is to happen to the bees will happen. If the hive is meant to die because it is not able to survive diseases, conditions, or management then they believe it to be that way. I have talked to one woman who even believes that using smoke is not healthy for the bees and swears by using honey water as a way before entering the hives. Many of the beekeepers do not enter their hives very often. They will when there is a need to or to add a honey super.