Due to my property not having much top soil the first step of the forest Garden project was to build soil. This project is a lasagna based agricultural technique that instead of tilling up the soil we bring in organic matter let it decompose. We then add compost and plant right into it making an extremely fertile bed. This picture show the step before the compost step. So far we have the first layer which is cardboard this suppressed the weeds underneath. I then added a layer of grass clippings. Making sure the grass clippings are only from a source that doesn’t put chemicals on the lawn is very important. The next step are the mushroom blocks this adds the carbon to the soil bed. Then the third layer, leaves, are placed on top. A top layer of compost will be placed on top of the leaves thus completing the lasagna bed. Once the compost is placed I will be planting mostly nutrient and organic adding plants such as beans to the beds to increase organic matter and organic matter to the soil. Planting various perennial herbs that produce nectar will be the next step I take some of the herbs I am considering are a combination of medicinal, and edible herbs, such as: Spice bush, Bergamot, anise hyssop, Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Artemisia, Bay, Lavender, Marjoram, , Santolina, Thyme, Yarrow.