The hot days of the summer have passed and there is a consistent decrease in temperature as the weeks progress into fall. As the seasons shift, we begin to reflect on our journey through this year.
2019 has provided our first opportunity to build up the structural elements of our home. With two people present, it is incredible to witness how much can change in a day, week, month or more. There had been early ideas of finding a job with a tiny house building company, or getting an apprenticeship with an electrician. These ideas shifted into discovering our own paths in these interests, with lots of help from University YouTube and helpful books and blogs.
One of the most exciting builds of the year has been the new-and-improved bathroom. When the shed/outhouse was emptied and transformed into the beginning of our glass/biology lab, the only logical thing to do was to make the most amazing, beautiful bathroom space - and make it entirely from recycled wood and palates. The ceiling came from old roofing that was upcycled to being used for the bathroom.
A big upgrade to our home was a complete redo of our electrical system. This system now includes a studio which is our honey bee studio and flameworking studio. We also added another location for our woodworking shop in the near future.
The hope for the finishing of this year is to build a root cellar from found materials and rocks from our property. this root cellar is in anticipation for our next year which will be a big garden year for us.
The end of this season comes with cutting down trees and preparing our firewood for next season. The location where we will be cutting down trees also happens to be where we are planning on planting approximately 20 fruit and nut trees which will hopefully feed us in the future.
This year has also brought more bees and a small flock of chickens into our family. Only time will tell where these creatures and creations will take us