5/23/16-Experiment-Today I went to a local fresh water spring and filled up two gallon jars of water. This water will be used for the base of the bee tea. I believe that fresh water that comes right from mother earth has more minerals that can benefit the bodies of humans and bees. Of course the water must be tested for dangerous minerals and other contaminants. Once I arrived at home I poured the water into a pot and got it up to a boil. I then put into the water the red belted polypore and Red Reishi mushroom that i had grounded up the day before. I let it simmer for two hours. I made two batches, one bath is also infused with herbs and will continue to infuse for 10 days. I put into the jar that has herbs infused 1:1 sugar to water ratio, the jar without herb infusion has a 1:1 ratio of sugar to water

Red Belted Polypore and Reishi simmering in the Pot

I took one of the jars and Infused Alfalfa, Hyssop, Motherwort, Lemon Balm, Lavender, Rose, Thyme, Basil, Calendula into the Bee Tea.

After simmering for two hours I placed the medicinal tea into the jar

I Then Added the ratio 1:1 Sugar to water into each jar