The beekeeping industry is all about gadgets looking at any beekeeping magazine we can see that every monthly subscription there was a new tool that could be bought. Some were a hoax and others very beneficial to beekeeping! One of the philosophies that I try to live by is to re-purpose, recycle, and reuse as much as possible. This not only reduces my own costs as a small time beekeeper but is also beneficial to re purposing various materials that would other wise just sit at a dump or be thrown away.
The newest venture that I have started upon is to build my own beehives. Nucleus colonies, mating nucs, regular brood boxes and honey supers. I use whatever materials I can get a hold (for free) to build beehives.
This particular beehive is one that I build from a bunk bed that my sister and I used to own when we were children. My mom was planning on throwing it out. Instead I took a hold of the wood and build a beehive.
This wood was not ideal i had to glue it together and then cut it into the dimensions I needed for a langstroth Nucleus colony. It took me 6 hours of work as I was using hand tools.
this type of build follows my philosophy while keeping my expenses for beekeeping low. as beekeepers sometimes we get swept by the next newest thing when in reality all we need is a box, some frames, and bees. simplicity is beautiful especially when its held in the eyes of the beholder.