The next area that I am working on is where the fruit trees, shrubs, and ground cover will be planted. I will be starting with 6 semi Dwarf trees; these include Apples, Pears, and plums. This area of the food forest will be the main location it will contain most of the perennial food crops that will produce large amounts of food and nectar for years to come. Due to Massachusetts being in the northeast we do not have the most amount of sun all year round. Taking this into account the food forest in the area will be a three layer food forest. What that means is that the main canopy will be the fruit trees. The secondary canopy will be small Dwarf trees, and shrubs. These shrubs will include; hazelnut, white currants, goose berries, black currants, Jacobson berries, goumi, fava beans, sea berry, autumn olive, honey berries. The third layer in the ground layer which will also be an edible garden these plants will include mostly onion family plants such as Garlic, onion, rhubarb, day lilies, Lupine flowers, Potatoes, marigolds, Garlic, Walking Onion ect. Around the open spaces I will plant various types of clover that will attract honey bees as well as native pollinators.